“What is it like to be in love?”

“Free. It feels free, like there’s nothing that can stop me, nothing can hold me down.
It feels as if I can do anything because of love and I’m free of the fear of failure because,
even if I can’t do everything, at least at the end of the day,
there’s still me and him. When all else fails, love won’t.”

Reign on Me series


When you watch a DVD, do you ever go to special features and check out deleted scenes? I do.
Also, it happens that when I write, during the final stages of editing, some things don't fit, making stories/chapters not flow as smoothly as they can. So, what happens? I scrap them.
Also, as some of you know, the plot bunnies are - more or less - quite rabid, and, when in a manic state, bombard me with several different plots and scenes. This is usually the case for my series because, in order to make the plot and characters as believable and as best as possible, I try to plot out everything, even their lives outside of what's written and posted. However, since there's so much detail in my mind, I itch to write it all down, even if they never make the final cut.

The solution? This section is where you'll find deleted or extra scenes for several stories (both one-shots and series)! I've been planning to do this section for a long time and very excited I can finally make it up. I may forget to add links to deleted scenes in their actual summary pages for series stories, so check back here to see if a series has a new deleted scene!

T A B L E---OF---C O N T E N T S

In The End

Surrender Trilogy

Beyond Words Series

Scarlet Night/Mourning Song Series

I N---T H E---E N D
"Easier Said Than Done"
In which the Professor tries to move on.

"The Prodigal Son"
In which the Chief welcomes the Black Agent home.

"Say You're Sorry"
In which the Black Agent grovels. A lot.

S U R R E N D E R---T R I L O G Y
"Kill Them with Kindness"
In which the Accountant is cruel to be kind.

"Baby and Me"
In which the Mob Boss and the Agent are happy.

"All I Have"
In which the Bar Owner gets mad. Real mad.

B E Y O N D---W O R D S---S E R I E S
"Not Ready to Make Nice"
In which the fallen is remembered.

"Knock First"
In which they all have a Christmas they'll never forget.

"Flying Free"
In which the Princess and the Consort fight. Again.

"The Sweetest Secret"
In which everyone learns the truth.

S C A R L E T---N I G H T &
M O U R N I N G---S O N G---S E R I E S
"At the Beginning"
In which the Lonely meets the Abandoned.

"A New Buffet"
In which Hyung scares the kiddies.

"Some Like it Hot"
In which the Biology Teacher gets attacked.

More to come...